November 23, 2008

Week 20

Well, we're half way there!! How fast things have gone so far. I can't wait to have the little guy in my arms for the first time!!

Now that Noah has grown tremendously over the past 20 weeks, it's time for him to shift his focus more towards the finer points of development to finish out his time "on the inside."

Noah's heart is growing stronger in preparation for having to do all the work on his own before long. I'm in Hurst taking a test for my medical license now but can't wait to get home and bust out my stethoscope as 20 weeks is the first time you could possible be able to hear the heartbeat with it. That's the danger of being married to (or the son of) a doctor, lots of unnecessary physical and developmental exams. (Hey, I gotta keep learning somehow!)

In addition, Noah may be beginning to recognize noises from the outside world. Definitely, he startles to loud noises but it's not clear whether he would respond to calming noises at this point or not. But, I figure it won't hurt to put on some music while I'm trying to listen to him to at least try to return the audible favors.

I take the last part of the exams I have to take to finish getting my Texas medical license today. The questions are about all different types of medicine (including adults with all kinds of medical problems I haven't seen in 3 years-I can't wait to be done and never have to think about these again).

Psalm 94:9 Does he who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see?

God definitely sees our needs and hears our prayers! Pray for my test and for little Noah as he continues preparing for a life "on the outside."


kelley80 said...


I recently read a study that says unborn children respond well to music and other stimuli while in the womb. I realize that this is nothing new to you but they have found that Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach, Wii Tennis, Chopin, Wii Golf, Brahms, etc. help enhance development, and enables the child to experience higher IQ's and backhands in tennis and better handicaps in golf. Hey....just trying to help....can't blame me.


Aunt Kelley

Anonymous said...

Did I actually see Aunt Kel write a NICE comment???? She must be delirious - I'm going to Kansas right away to check on the feasibility of an involuntary committal.
When Jan was expecting Sara and Rachel, we talked to them every day...I'm convinced they each knew the sound of my voice, so don't limit Noah to "just" music, but let him hear your voices and feel your touch every day (preferably without the cold stethoscope).

Loved having Justin in D/FW for a couple of days while he was taking his tests!

Tell Noah "Happy Turkey Day!!" from his Granny and Grandpa D!!!

Love you all!

kelley80 said...

Sorry, I realize now my "nice" comment was out of character. I will try to catch up next week. Hope my comment didn't put someone into shock nor get their hopes up for further optimism on my part. lol
