First of all, yesterday was my four week birthday! Here's a picture of me in my new hoodie. I've graduated on from my newborn clothes into 0-3 months.

Today was the first Mother's Day for Mommy. Granny D sent me a great shirt to celebrate the day in. First thing this morning, Daddy and I went to the Colache shop today for cinnamon rolls. Then we all sat around and watched some TV. In the afternoon, daddy and I hung out and watched golf and basketball while mommy went to get a pedicure. Next we went to the park for a quick photo op on our way over to some friends house for a Mother's Day dinner. Here's a few pictures from our visit to the park.
And below, find the greatest Mother's Day Present I could give mommy from last night. The video is a little dark and a little long but you'll have to see the end to know what the present is!!
Wow! You are changing so much so fast! What cute pictures! I love your new clothes Granny D made for you. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon! Happy four week birthday, Noah!
I got a new frame and I need to get some pictures downloaded to it soon.
Much love, MeMaw
You'll have many, many Mothers' Days, but I imagine this one will be among the sweetest!
Loved the video -- reminds me of this quote: "There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep."
Counting the days 'til we see you.
It's getting harder and harder to top Auntie Kris' famous quotes....but here's a try: "Life is not made of the number of breaths we take, but of the moments that take our breath away." As I watch Baby Noah-Bean's video, and see his gentle and restful and secure sleep, it DOES take my breath away! Wonder of wonders!
Love you all 3, and anxiously counting the moments until he can take our breath away IN PERSON again!!!
Love to all 3!
Granny & Grandpa D.
Okay, here is my quote...watching you drift off to sleep Noah, made me tired so I am going to go take a nap. How was that? ...zzzzzzzzzzz.
P.S. Noah, tell Mom how very pretty she looked in the picture in the park!! You are a lucky baby to have such great parents!
Love, MeMaw
MeMaw is right -- you are beautiful in that picture, Rachel!
Your happiness shows in your face... a wonderful thing.
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