February 24, 2009

Week 33

Sorry this is a few days late! I worked nights all weekend which basically makes me pretty much useless during those days because I pretty much just come home and sleep the day away. I finished my last overnight shift of my residency which is GREAT! Unless I get called in for backup I should never have to spend the whole night away from home again!!

Noah has been very busy...The other night I laid down next to him before bedtime and I'm pretty sure he was moving around and snuggling up to get comfortable. I'm predicting he's going to be a very snuggly boy!

Noah's bones are getting more hard every day. They will need to support his body when he gets out of his own personal little hot tub and is placed out into the real world. Pray for strong healthy bones because with my history of wrestling and broken wrists and soccer and broken noses along with the (David) Dickerson 1/4 of his genes, he will need some serious injury protection. Maybe we should just go ahead and by his a full set of body armor!

My prayer is that Noah will grow up to be a healthy strong boy but that he will continually rely upon God's strength for his life.

I Corinthians 1:25-For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.


kelley80 said...

Holy cow!....I didn't even think about 1/4 Davids genes! What were you guys thinking???? Great!---now my new nephew will either have a wing at the emergency room named after him or the kids in the neighborhood will have to call him "bubble boy" after he slips on a pat of butter and breaks his sphenoid and Rachel buys a giant gerbal ball to protect him! (I don't know Justin...is that even possible to break your sphenoid? remember, related to David, now is that possible?). Well, maybe we will get lucky and Noah will only get Davids charm and good looks.

MeMaw said...

Snuggle is gooooood!

Anonymous said...

OK...OK...OK...I know that I have a long rap-sheet at about every emergency room between Kansas City and Ft. Worth, but do we really have to broadcast it to the entire web-universe? Sheesh!

I like Kel's final word...let's hope he gets his Dad & Mom's brains, his Dad's athletic ability, his Mom's voice, and only a smidge of his Grandpa D's - er - risk-taking capacity!?

Knowing what everyone in the web-universe knows by now, we will SURELY pray for good strong bones!

love you all!!!

Grandpa & Granny D.

kelley80 said...

Gee sorry David but I didn't think your "mishaps" were such a secret anymore now that the AMA has publicly released it's new logo replacing the serpent with YOU holding the staff.

Anonymous said...

I'm saving all the bubble-wrap I can!

love, Kris